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MongoDB Rust Driver Prototype

This is a prototype driver for MongoDB written in Rust. The API and implementation are currently subject to change at any time. You must not use this driver in production as it is still under development and is in no way supported by 10gen. We absolutely encourage you to experiment with it and provide us feedback on the API, design, and implementation. Bug reports and suggestions for improvements are welcomed, as are pull requests.




Please find documentation in the docs folder. Documentation is built using rustdoc (please run make doc).


The Rust MongoDB driver is built using make. Available targets include:

By default, files are compiled with unused-unsafe warnings denied and unnecessary-allocation warnings allowed (this is likely to change in the future to disallow all warnings). You can pass additional flags to rustc by setting the TOOLFLAGS variable. Additionally, integration tests can be enabled by setting MONGOTEST=1. Integration tests will fail unless there is a MongoDB instance running on


Once you’ve built MongoDB and have the compiled library files, you can make MongoDB available in your code with

extern mod bson;
extern mod mongo;

Mongo Driver

In general, aside from the BSON library imports (see below), we will need the following imports:

use mongo::client::*;
use mongo::util::*;     // access to option flags and specifications, etc.
use mongo::db::*;
use mongo::coll::*;
use mongo::cursor::*;

In order to connect with a Mongo server, we first create a client.

let client = @Client::new();

To connect to an unreplicated, unsharded server running on localhost, port 27017 (MONGO_DEFAULT_PORT), we use the connect method:

match client.connect(~"", 27017 as uint) {
    Ok(_) => (),
    Err(e) => fail!("%s", e.to_str()),
        // if cannot connect, nothing to do; display error message

To connect instead to a replica set given a seed of ports 27017-27019 on localhost, we instead use the connect_to_rs method:

let seed = [(~"", 27017),
            (~"", 27018),
            (~"", 27019)];
match client.connect_to_rs(seed) {
    Ok(_) => (),
    Err(e) => fail!("%s", e.to_str()),

Now we may create handles to databases and collections on the server. We start with collections to demonstrate CRUD operations.

// create handles to the collections "foo_coll" and "bar_coll" in the
//      database "foo_db" (any may already exist; if not, it will be
//      created on the first insert)
let foo = Collection::new(~"foo_db", ~"foo_coll", client);
let bar = Collection::new(~"foo_db", ~"bar_coll", client);

Equivalently, we may create collection handles direction from the Client:

let foo = client.get_collection(~"foo_db", ~"foo_coll");
CRUD Operations

We input JSON as strings formatted for JSON and manipulate them (in fact, we can insert anything implementing the BsonFormattable trait [see BSON section below] as long as its to_bson_t conversion returns an Embedded(~BsonDocument), i.e. it is represented as a BSON):

// insert a document into bar_coll
let ins = ~"{ '_id':0, 'a':0, 'msg':'first insert!' }";
bar.insert(ins, None);
    // no write concern specified---use default

// insert a big batch of documents into foo_coll
let mut ins_batch : ~[~str] = ~[];
let n = 200;
let mut i = 0;
for n.times {
    ins_batch.push(fmt!("{ 'a':%d, 'b':'ins %d' }", i/2, i));
    i += 1;
foo.insert_batch(ins_batch, None, None, None);
    // no write concern specified---use default; no special options

// read one back (no specific query or query options/flags)
match foo.find_one(None, None, None) {
    Ok(ret_doc) => println(fmt!("%?", *ret_doc)),
    Err(e) => fail!("%s", e.to_str()), // should not happen

In general, to specify options, we put the appropriate options into a vector and wrap them in Some; for the default options we use None. For specific options, see Nearly every method returns a Result; operations usually return a () (for writes) or some variant on ~BsonDocument or Cursor (for reads) if successful, and a MongoErr if unsuccessful due to improper arguments, network errors, etc.

// insert a big batch of documents with duplicated _ids
ins_batch = ~[];
for 5.times {
    ins_batch.push(fmt!("{ '_id':%d, 'a':%d, 'b':'ins %d' }", 2*i/3, i/2, i));
    i += 1;

// ***error returned***
match foo.insert_batch(ins_batch, None, None, None) {
    Ok(_) => fail!("bad insert succeeded"),          // should not happen
    Err(e) => println(fmt!("%s", e.to_str())),
// ***no error returned since duplicated _ids skipped (CONT_ON_ERR specified)***
match foo.insert_batch(ins_batch, Some(~[CONT_ON_ERR]), None, None) {
    Ok(_) => (),
    Err(e) => fail!("%s", e.to_str()),     // should not happen

// create an ascending index on the "b" field named "fubar"
match foo.create_index(~[NORMAL(~[(~"b", ASC)])], None, Some(~[INDEX_NAME(~"fubar")])) {
    Ok(_) => (),
    Err(e) => fail!("%s", e.to_str()),     // should not happen

To specify queries and projections, we must input them either as BsonDocuments or as properly formatted JSON strings using SpecObjs or SpecNotations. In general, the order of arguments for CRUD operations is (as applicable) query, projection or operation-dependent specification (e.g. update document for update), optional array of option flags, optional array of user-specified options (e.g. number to skip), and write concern.

// interact with a cursor projected on "b" and using indices and options
match foo.find(None, Some(SpecNotation(~"{ 'b':1 }")), None) {
    Ok(c) => {
        let mut cursor = c;

        // hint the index "fubar" for the cursor

        // explain the cursor
        println(fmt!("%?", cursor.explain()));

        // sort on the cursor on the "a" field, ascending
        cursor.sort(NORMAL(~[(~"a", ASC)]));

        // iterate on the cursor---no query specified so over whole collection
        for cursor.advance |doc| {
            println(fmt!("%?", *doc));
    Err(e) => fail!("%s", e.to_str()),     // should not happen

// drop the index by name (if it were not given a name, specifying by
//      field would have the same effect as providing the default
//      constructed name)
match foo.drop_index(MongoIndexName(~"fubar")) {
    Ok(_) => (),
    Err(e) => fail!("%s", e.to_str()),     // should not happen

// remove every element where "a" is 1
match foo.remove(Some(SpecNotation(~"{ 'a':1 }")), None, None, None) {
    Ok(_) => (),
    Err(e) => fail!("%s", e.to_str()),     // should not happen

// upsert every element where "a" is 2 to be 3
match foo.update(   SpecNotation(~"{ 'a':2 }"),
                    SpecNotation(~"{ '$set': { 'a':3 } }"),
                    Some(~[MULTI, UPSERT]), None, None) {
    Ok(_) => (),
    Err(e) => fail!("%s", e.to_str()),     // should not happen
Database Operations

Now we create a database handle.

let db = DB::new(~"foo_db", client);

// list the collections in the database
match db.get_collection_names() {
    Ok(names) => {
        // should output
        //      system.indexes
        //      bar_coll
        //      foo_coll
        for names.iter().advance |&n| { println(fmt!("%s", n)); }
    Err(e) => println(fmt!("%s", e.to_str())), // should not happen

// perform a run_command, but the result (if successful, a ~BsonDocument)
//      must be parsed appropriately
println(fmt!("%?", db.run_command(SpecNotation(~"{ 'count':1 }"))));

// drop the database
match client.drop_db(~"foo_db") {
    Ok(_) => (),
    Err(e) => println(fmt!("%s", e.to_str())), // should not happen
Replica Set Operations

We can change replica set in various ways: we can change the set itself, through its configuration, or how we interact with the set, through read preference, for instance.

If we change how we interact with the set itself, we first get a handle to the replica set.

let rs = RS::new(client);   // client must be connected to replica set

Suppose we want to reconfigure the replica set with different tags. We need to get the current configuration, then edit it.

match rs.get_config() {
    Ok(ref mut conf) => {
            // we change the tags on the first member
            let mut tags = tmp.members[0].get_mut_tags();
            tags.set(~"sample", ~"tag");
        rs.reconfig(conf.clone(), false);   // don't force the reconfiguration
    Err(e) => println(e.to_str()),

In fact, we can edit the conf struct however we wish in order to reconfigure the replica set.

If, on the other hand, we want to change read preference, we must go through the client, since read preference is not a property of the replica set but rather of the connection. The default is PRIMARY_ONLY; we change it to SECONDARY_PREFERRED with a tagset related to the earlier change of tags.

let tags = ~[TagSet::new([("sample", "tag")])];
match client.set_read_pref(SECONDARY_PREF(Some(tags))) {
    Ok(old_pref) => println(fmt!("%?", old_pref)),  // print the old pref
    Err(e) => println(e.to_str()),

Now reads, specified with SLAVE_OK, will follow this read preference (although writes will still route to the primary).

Finally, we should disconnect the client. It can be reconnected to another server after disconnection.

match client.disconnect() {
    Ok(_) => (),
    Err(e) => println(fmt!("%s", e.to_str())), // should not happen
Using GridFS

GridFS can be used to store documents larger than the document size limit. This driver’s implementation of GridFS publishes an API which is primarily based on the Reader/Writer API in std::rt::io. Using GridFS requires an extern mod gridfs declaration, as well as the following imports:

use gridfs::*;
use gridfs::gridfile::*;

To store files through GridFS, we first create a GridFS handle.

//`db` is an already-connected DB object
let gridfs = GridFS::new(@db);

This handle will use the fs collection as its root collection in the given database. Now we can create a file writer and begin writing data.

let writer = gridfs.file_write();
writer.chunk_size = 1024; //set the size of each chunk to 1KB; default is 16MB
let data: ~[u8] = /*acquire some data*/

writer.write will save as many chunks as necessary to the fs.chunks collection in the provided database. Once close is called, the file’s metadata is written to fs.files and the writer can no longer be used. If the default attributes of the writer are acceptable, we can use a shortcut by simply calling gridfs.put(data).

One thing to note is that writer.write can raise a condition: a construct similar to an exception. In the event of a write failure, to prevent the program from failing, the condition must be trapped, as follows:

do io_error::cond.trap(|c| {
    //handle the error, which is `c`
    //c is of type std::rt::io::IoError
}).in {

This logic is encapsulated in gridfs.put.

Once we’ve written data, it’s only useful if we can read it back.

let reader = gridfs.file_read(doc_id); //doc_id is the id of a document already in GridFS
//if doc_id doesn't match a document in fs.files, this will fail
let data: ~[u8] = ~[];
for data_size.times { //data_size is however large our file was
}; //this returns an Option<uint>, representing how many bytes were read
//data now contains the stored Binary data as a string of bytes

Like writer.write, may raise a condition, causing the program to fail. The logic to trap this condition, and to build an empty data buffer, is encapsulated in the GridFS struct.

let data: ~[u8] = gridfs.get(doc_id).unwrap();
//get can return a MongoErr, so unwrap isn't always safe

Please refer to the documentation for a complete list of available operations.

BSON library

BSON data types

BSON-valid data items are represented in the Document type. (Valid types available from the specification). To get a document for one of these types, you can wrap it yourself or call the to_bson_t method. Example:

use bson::formattable::*;

let a = (1i).to_bson_t(); //Int32(1)
let b = (~"foo").to_bson_t(); //UString(~"foo")
let c = 3.14159.to_bson_t(); //Double(3.14159)
let d = extra::json::String(~"bar").to_bson_t(); //UString(~"bar")
let e = (~"{\"fizz\": \"buzz\"}").to_bson_t();
//e is an Embedded(hashmap associating ~"fizz" with UString(~"buzz"))
//strings will attempt to be parsed as JSON; if they fail,
//they will be silently treated as a plain string instead

to_bson_t is contained in the BsonFormattable trait, so any type implementing this trait can be converted to a Document.

A complete BSON object is represented in the BsonDocument type. BsonDocument contains a size field (i32) and map between ~strs and Documents. This type exposes an API which is similar to that of a typical map. Example:

use bson::encode::*;
use bson::formattable::*;

//Building a document {foo: "bar", baz: 5.1}
let doc = BsonDocument::new();
doc.put(~"foo", (~"bar").to_bson_t());
doc.put(~"baz", (5.1).to_bson_t());

In addition to constructing them directly, these types can also be built from JSON-formatted strings. The parser in extra::json will return a Json object (which implements BsonFormattable) but the fields will not necessarily be ordered properly. The BSON library also publishes its own JSON parser, which supports extended JSON and guarantees that fields will be serialized in the order they were inserted. Calling this JSON parser is done through the ObjParser trait’s from_string method, or by using the to_bson_t method on a valid JSON ~str. Example:

use bson::json_parse::*;

let json_string = ~"{\"foo\": \"bar\", \"baz\": 5}";
let parsed_doc = ObjParser::from_string<Document, ExtendedJsonParser<~[char]>>(json_string);
match parsed_doc {
    Ok(ref d) => //the string was parsed successfully; d is a Document
    Err(e) => //the string was not valid JSON and an error was encountered while parsing

//alternative method; won't throw an error as above if the string is improperly formatted
let json_obj = json_string.to_bson_t();
Encoding values

Documents and BsonDocuments can be encoded into bytes via their to_bson methods. This will produce a ~[u8] meeting the specifications outlined by the specification. Through this method, standard BSON types can easily be serialized. Any type Foo can also be serialized in this way if it implements the BsonFormattable trait. Example:

use bson::encode::*;
use bson::formattable::*;

struct Foo {

impl BsonFormattable for Foo {
    fn to_bson_t(&self) -> Document {
        //a common implementation of this might be creating a map from
        //the names of the fields in a Foo to their values

    fn from_bson_t(doc: &Document) -> Foo {
        //this method is the inverse of to_bson_t,
        //in general it makes sense for the two of them to roundtrip

//now if you call (Foo::new()).to_bson_t().to_bson(),
//you will produce a BSON representation of a Foo
Decoding values

The ~[u8] representation of data is not especially useful for modifying or viewing. A ~[u8] can be easily transformed into a BsonDocument for easier manipulation. Example:

use bson::decode::*;

let b: ~[u8] = /*get a bson document from somewhere*/
let p = BsonParser::new(b);
let doc = p.document();
match doc {
    Ok(ref d) => //b was a valid BSON string. d is the corresponding document.
    Err(e) => //b was not a valid BSON string.

let c: ~[u8] = /*get another bson document*/
let doc = decode(c); //the standalone 'decode' function handles creation of the parser

The BsonFormattable trait also contains a method called from_bson_t as mentioned above. This static method allows a Document to be converted into the implementing type. This allows a quick path to decode a ~[u8] into a T:BsonFormattable. Example:

use bson::decode::*;
use bson::formattable::*;

struct Foo {

impl BsonFormattable for Foo {

let b: ~[u8] = /*get a bson string from somewhere*/
let myfoo = BsonFormattable::from_bson_t::<Foo>(&Embedded(~decode(b).unwrap()));
//here it is assumed b was decoded successfully, though a match could be done
//the Embedded constructor is needed because decode returns a BsonDocument,
//while from_bson_t expects a document


To be continued…